Accessible seats
Wheelchair accessible seats are B14 and C14, with flat access from the carpark to the seating area. The seats are located towards the front of the stage near the left hand side door.
Please speak to the ushers upon arrival if you have booked a wheelchair accessible seat.
Seat Descriptions
Row AA is the front row and closest to the stage. Some producers choose to remove this row from sale to allow more space or to extend the size of the stage.
Rows A, B and C are on ground level in front of the stage. They can pose sightline issues for small children.
Rows D-K
Row D is the first elevated row. These seats are in the tiered, elevated section and are recommended for small children to enable unobstructed views over the heads of audience members in the rows in front
Row K is the last row in the main block and offers extra leg room
Rows L and M are at the very back of the theatre and not recommended for people with limited mobility. Seats in this section have reasonable views.
Rows X & Y are the balcony seats. These seats can have obstructed views of the stage due to a safety rail at eye level. Children are not permitted to use these seats without adult supervision.
Ticketing Policy for Children
Our Policy
All children, including toddlers, attending a performance at The PumpHouse theatre must have a ticket and a seat of their own.
Children under 23 months are permitted free entry to most events. They will not be assigned a seat and must sit on their parent/guardians’ knee for the duration of the performance. Children under 23 months must be signed in at the box office on arrival.
Entry is at the sole discretion of the ushers, Front of House manager or PumpHouse Theatre staff.
Unaccompanied children policy
No child under 14 years of age may attend a performance without the supervision of a parent or guardian who must accompany them in the theatre. Young people who are at least 14 years of age may supervise younger children with their parent or guardian’s permission. Parents may not supervise children from the foyer, they must have a ticket and remain in the theatre at all times.