Dates and times
Friday 23 August 2019 at 7:00 pm
Cafe open from 5.30pm
French RendezVous Cafe
Free Event
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No Fees
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Gary Henderson is a New Zealand playwright, director and teacher whose work is produced locally and internationally. He is an experienced teacher of theatre writing, and after working in Performing and Screen Arts at Unitec for six years, he established his own writing course at Corban Estate Arts Centre in West Auckland in 2012.
Gary also facilitates The Learn Writing for Theatre Workshop hosted here at The PumpHouse since 2016 which is aimed at giving budding playwrights the chance to develop their craft and have their work performed.
In November 2013 Gary received the Playmarket Award acknowledging his significant artistic contribution to New Zealand theatre.
As well as his own scripts Gary has also collaborated on libretto for an opera Star Navigator with Tim Finn.
Gary will talk about his writing process and how that is linked with working as a director.
About Creative Talks
Stories are at the heart of creativity. The PumpHouse Theatre’s series of Creative Talks is an informal early-evening event where local artists and creatives share their stories and ideas with our community whether they have a lifelong passion or are new to the arts.
This programme of free Creative Talks spotlights a wide range of the arts, giving audiences a behind the scenes insight into the world of the creative process.
From multicultural arts to theatrical performance, by way of actors, authors, poets and playwrights, there is something for everyone with an interest in the arts and what inspires and drives creativity.
Creative Talks are held monthly at The PumpHouse Theatre and entry is free.