Te Wairua o te Whare Tapere – Our New Tukutuku Panel

Te Wairua o te Whare Tapere
We had a special unveiling and pōwhiri for our new tukutuku panel at The PumpHouse Theatre on Friday 6 September.

Tracy Makoare-Watene and Joanne Maihi
Woven by the incredible Tracy Makoare-Watene and Joanne Maihi from Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei – this is the first tukutuku panel these talented wāhine have created.
It accurately and lovingly represents the story of the PumpHouse and the land it sits on, and pays tribute to the community who worked to save it from demolition and transform it into a theatre. It features the stars of Matariki, and it even includes a small red star for Peg Escott – who was a very important part of saving The PumpHouse, and is now our friendly theatre ghost.
“Te Wairua o te Whare Tapere” – is the name it has been blessed with. Te Wairua is your soul or spirit and Te Whare Tapere is a place for entertainment, storytelling and dance, so the name, translated to English represents “The spirit of the theatre”

Peg Escott’s ‘star’ watching over the theatre (at the top right-hand side of the panel).
We welcome you to come and view this beautiful weaving which we are so proud of.
Photography by Dave Andrews