Top Tips From The PumpHouse Whānau
It’s fair to say that the past few months have been a trying time for most of us, and everyone has coped in different ways. We thought we would share the ways that our team have coped, and any tips they have for adapting to the “new normal” we are facing.

The PumpHouse Team – James, Mags, Meg, Helena & Rhiannon
How did you cope with lock down?
James: I got up every day and made my bed – I made sure I stuck to a routine. I rediscovered the fun of home-cooking, as I had more time and energy to cook for myself. Also – don’t tell anyone, but I got quite addicted to the reality TV show 90 Day Fiancé!
Mags: Making sure I got up early and worked, having a routine made sure that I kept some normality. Remembering to do simple things like eat and drink were also very important. I did a lot of crafts to keep myself entertained – knitting, embroidering, drawing cats, felt stabbing and code crackers. I also made the most of Netflix and the live theatre that a lot of prominent companies were releasing online. I loved having the opportunity to film the Creative Talks Online from the safety of my bubble!
Meg: I am not really a homebody – I get my energy from being out of the house. So I went for very, very long walks when I needed to feel rejuvenated. Having work to do also kept me (slightly) sane, especially editing the Monologue Collab’s. I did a lot of things that I enjoy like yoga and belly dancing, but I also found myself enjoying things that I don’t usually like – cooking, drawing, and properly relaxing. Staying with my Mum was an absolute treat.
Helena: Routine got me through – working from home helped. Also making sure we still acknowledged weekends. I did a lot of exercise by watching online workout videos or walking the dog. Netflix helped too. We’re taking it slowly in level 2, only venturing out when we need to as hubby has health issues. It’s great to be back at work.
Rhiannon: I mostly distracted myself by doing a lot of things I have been intending on doing, like reading those books I have been meaning to read, and finishing paintings that I have been meaning to finish. I filled my day with lengthy activities like long walks. I kind of saw this period as a cultural sabbatical!
What is your top tip for coping and adapting to the “new normal” we are facing?
James: Keep washing your hands!
Mags: Be kind to yourself. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing – you’ve got to look after number one (you!)
Meg: Respect people’s boundaries and make yours known. Everyone copes in very different ways – knowing this and empathising with this will make everything a little easier!
Helena: Don’t push yourself too much, small steps to start with.
Rhiannon: Keep things simple. Continue to be mindful of what’s going on around you. Simplicity is divine.
If you’d like to check out more top tips from our creative community – check out our Creative Talks Online