Ake Ake Ake – A Forever Language

Kia ora, theatre whānau!

It’s Mark and Meg here, bringing you some kōrero to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. We are both on our own Te Reo journey at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, where we have been studying Te Reo full-time this year. We have been loving every moment of embracing the tikanga and beautiful indigenous language of Aotearoa.

The theme for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024 is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language’. It represents the resilience, adaptability, and endurance of our language. It also reflects the commitment New Zealanders have to embracing and learning te reo Māori long into the future.

Learning and speaking a language that is deeply connected to this land has been incredibly special. One of the coolest things about Te Reo is that it isn’t just about the words; it’s about the mana and wairua behind them. It’s storytelling at its finest.

We’re learning and growing together, and we hope to bring more Te Reo to the theatre and to our lives. We have been incorporating karakia before and after rehearsals, performances, and team meetings. The inclusion of karakia of this grounds the whole experience in something greater. It’s a way to connect not just with each other but with the land and the stories that have been told here for centuries.

We encourage everyone to jump on board and start their journey with Te Reo Māori – we promise your life will feel fuller and greater.

Kupu to use when you’re next at te whare tapere:

  • Te Whare Tapere I Te Taha O Pupukemoana – The PumpHouse Theatre
  • Whare Tapere – Theatre or place of performing arts
  • Whakaari – Play, drama, or show
  • Atamira – Stage
  • Mahi toi – The arts (including theatre, painting, etc.)
  • Kaiwhakaari – Actor
  • Kaitohu – Director
  • Kaiwhakahaere Atamira – Stage Manager
  • Kaitito Whakaari – Playwright
  • Kaihautū – Producer
  • Tīkiti: Ticket
  • Ngā mihi – Thank you
  • Whaia te iti kahurangi – Aim for the highest (inspirational phrase before a performance)
  • Ka pai te mahi – Good work (to compliment a fellow actor)
  • Tēnā koe mō tō mahi – Thank you for your work (acknowledging someone’s performance)
  • E noho – Please be seated
  • Ka pai! – Well done! (to praise a performance)
  • Ka mau te wehi! – That was awesome!
  • Ka rawe! – Excellent!
  • Kaua e kōrero i te wā o te whakaari – Do not talk during the performance
  • Whakamātau, whakamātau – Rehearse, rehearse

Our team and their roles:

  • James is our Kaiwhakahaere Whare Tapere (Theatre Manager)
  • Meg is our Kaiwhakahaere Tīkiti (Ticketing Manager) and Kairuruku Hokohoko (Marketing Coordinator)
  • Mark is our Kaitiaki Tapere (Venue Operations Coordinator)
  • Mags is our Urunga Hapori (Community Engagement Coordinator)
  • Helena is our Whakahaerenga (Administrator)


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