International Women’s Day at The PumpHouse
Written by Mags Delaney-Moffatt, Helena Easey and Meg Andrews – three of the powerhouse women who work at The PumpHouse!

Mags, Helena & Meg
MAGS: “The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ which is pretty apt for The PumpHouse.
Even in its early days, it was women like Peg Escott, Peg Nicholson and Genevieve Becroft who were spearheading the project to save our building and turn it into our now beloved iconic space.
The legacy carries on through the staff who currently work there – 3 fifths of the permanent staff are women (and pretty feisty ones at that!) and most of our casual staff are too!
The arts, like many industries, is overrepresented at the top level by men despite the workforce being mostly women – we like to think we at The PumpHouse go some way to equal things out!
A lot of our Creative Talks programme has featured Women in the Arts who have been successful in their particular disciplines. They all have in common a strong work ethic and a modesty about their achievements – maybe we should shout a little louder!”
HELENA: “It’s great to have a day to celebrate women especially those who have come before us and helped alter our path. As it’s International Women’s Day it’s important to acknowledge those women worldwide who still don’t have a voice, are not allowed an education, and do not have free will.
Plus it would have been my Mum’s birthday today (8th March) – Happy Birthday Mum miss you.”
MEG: “I adore women, I love celebrating every inch of them! To me, being a woman requires a beautiful kind of resistance, it means overcoming adversity. It is strength and empowerment. It is Trans and Cis, Queer and Straight. It is all-inclusive. It is unapologetic. Being a woman is whatever you want it to be!
The most inspiring wāhine in my world are my Mama & Gramma. They are remarkable humans with unwavering strength, worldly wisdom, immense beauty and unique humour. Their laughter is the most beautiful sound in the world!”