Spotlight on James Bell: A Director’s 40-Show Achievement
This year, James celebrates not one but two incredible milestones: 10 years as The PumpHouse’s Business Manager and directing his 40th production. Recently, we asked him to reflect on his journey, his favorite moments, and what it takes to create magic on and off the stage.
Congratulations on directing your 40th show! What does reaching this milestone feel like for you?
I didn’t realise until I started counting just how many shows I’d directed! It’s a great sense of accomplishment and I feel really privileged to have had the opportunity to work on so many fantastic shows with hundreds of amazing actors and creatives.
What inspired you to start directing?
I started in theatre doing lighting and sound, so I got to watch the shows every night and see how the audience responded, and how actors would make subtle changes each night – refining and perfecting their performance.
When a local theatre company decided to offer new directors a chance to direct a one-act play I thought I’d have a go – even though I’d never acted before – and found I really enjoyed putting all the elements together to tell an engaging story.

James’ 40th show: Pride and Prejudice
Do you have any unique pre-show or directing rituals that help you get into the zone?
I like to have a quick check-in with the cast before each show. We’ve started to incorporate a pre-show karakia to bring everyone together to ground and focus the team for the performance ahead.
I like to watch the first and last performances of a season to see how the show has developed, but during the season I’ll often just listen at the door for how the audience is reacting.
Looking back, is there a particular show you directed that feels like a personal best, or one that taught you the most?
The great thing is that I feel I’m always improving. There are little bits of each show that I really like though – for “Proof” we rebuild the exterior of a house in a very small theatre using wood reclaimed for a renovation project, for example.

The Proof Set
The Crucible in 2021 was a highlight. A sold-out season, a fantastically dedicated cast, and we managed to finish the day before a COVID lockdown!

The Crucible, directed by James Bell
If you could direct any play or project with unlimited resources, what would it be and why?
I’ve always been a fan of Hamlet. It’s got such great storytelling elements all the way through. Performing Hamlet inside some castle ruins would be amazing.
I’d like to have a go at directing a musical one day, too.
Are there any standout moments or favourite memories from your 10 years at The PumpHouse?
For me, I’m most proud that we’re keeping The PumpHouse going for future generations.
The fact we are still going strong despite budget cuts and COVID shows just how important theatre – and The PumpHouse – is to our local community.
We’ve developed such a great diversity of shows too – there really is something for everyone.

Measure for Measure, directed by James Bell
How has working at The PumpHouse Theatre influenced your perspective on the local arts community?
Working with hundreds of different producers, it’s really clear what the challenges are – whether it be funding, finding volunteers, or effectively promoting a show.
But equally every group has passionate people working to bring amazing stories to life despite the challenges.
How do you approach directing a show versus managing business operations—are there similarities?
It’s quite similar I think. I’ve always thought “director” is the wrong term – it should be “co-operator” because you are really just bringing together many skilled and talented people and helping them work together.
It’s a bit like being the conductor of an orchestra, making sure all the musicians are working towards the same goal and staying on track.
What is something people might be surprised to know about you outside of theatre?
I don’t really have an “outside of theatre”.
If I’m not at work, I’m usually working on directing or producing a show somewhere or helping on a theatre committee.
I like to travel and take photos when I get a chance.