Venue Hire Booking

  • Your Contact Details

    Please provide some details so we can contact you
  • Your Booking Request

    Please give us some details about your event
  • Please tell us the dates you would like to hire the venue. Including pack-in, pack-out, dark days and rehearsals. The more flexible you can be, the more likely we'll be able to find space for your event.
  • Please tell us a little bit about the event you have planned. What's the story? Who is the intended audience? Does your show represent a particular culture or community?
  • How will people get tickets to attend?
  • Does your event going ahead depend on you receiving funding?
  • Terms and Conditions

  • All periods of hire are subject to the PumpHouse Terms and Conditions of Hire, and the pricing detailed in the Venue Hire Rate Card. PLease ensure you have read both documents before proceeding.
  • Booking confirmation

  • By completing this form, you are making an inquiry about hiring The PumpHouse Theatre. The details collected in this form will be used to establish venue availability and to provide a quote for the venue hire cost. To confirm your booking, we will need to confirm the requested dates are available, and you will need to sign our Terms and Conditions of Hire and pay a deposit.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.