Dates and times
Wed 9th Jan - Fri - 11th Jan.
9am - 3pm each day.
The PumpHouse Theatre
Workshop (3 Days) | $150.00 |
How to get tickets
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Event type
Education, Families & Children, Holiday Programme, Shakespeare, Workshops
A 3-day workshop to get to know Shakespeare for students age 12-16 who may find Shakespeare weird/boring/irrelevant and who have some or no drama background at all.
• Exploring Shakespeare’s world – building on any pre-knowledge (whether good or bad!)
• What did Shakespeare write about? (exploring the plays)
• Focussing on tragedy and comedy – clowning / emotions
• Shakespeare characters Heroes, Villains, Clowns.
• Modernising Shakespeare to make it understandable
• Performing Shakespeare outdoors
• Each of the three days will have aspects of improvisation/ character development/ voice projection/prop making and performance
The programme is led by Mags Delaney, The PumpHouse Theatre’s resident drama teacher and self-confessed Shakespeareaholic.