Dates and times
Monday, 23 January at 6:30 pm
The PumpHouse Theatre
Free Admission
How to get tickets
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A workshop to help you apply for funding
Mary Borok (Community Funding Adviser Arts and Culture, Auckland Council) will be delivering Roadshows around the region in January showcasing recent projects that illustrate what can be achieved with Creative Communities Scheme funding.
She’ll be talking about how to put together your best application, and answering questions. This will be followed by funding clinics with applicants one-on-one across Auckland.
Here is the link to the application form and information about the upcoming funding round that closes in February.
About Creative Communities
The Creative Communities scheme is a contestable fund for projects in local communities with an arts or creative cultural focus, including Matariki and other cultural festivals. It supports:
● workshops, rehearsals performances by community choirs, hip-hop groups, theatre companies, poets, musicians
● development of new tukutuku, whakairo or kōwhaiwhai for local marae
● workshops on printmaking, writing, dancing, music
● exhibitions and festivals featuring local artists
● seminars for local artist development… and more.
Arts or creative cultural projects must start after 12 April 2017 and meet one of the following criteria:
- Access and participation: create opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in local arts activities, or
- Diversity: support the diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities, or
- Young people: enable young people (under 18) to engage with, and participate in the arts*
- Schools: Co-curricular activity that meets criteria may be eligible for CCS funding. Applications for projects in schools must include a letter from the school principal verifying that the activity or project is not part of the school’s curriculum and teaching programme, has not been identified by teachers as an activity they would offer students themselves and is not primarily a vehicle for assessment.
Other workshops
In addition to the Roadshow at The PumpHouse, you can also see Mary at:
- Tuesday 24 January at 6.30pm, Roadshow at Nathan Homestead, Hill Rd, Manurewa.
- Wednesday 25 January at 6.30pm, Roadshow at New Lynn Community Centre (Main Hall)
or email creative.communities@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz with any questions.