Dates and times
Monday September 11th at 7pm
The Coal Bunker Studio at The PumpHouse Theatre
This is a FREE event however booking a seat on The PumpHouse website is recommended due to the limited number of spaces available.
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Lizzie Harwood – Author
Lizzie Harwood writes crime novels set in the far-flung places she’s lived. After 24 years overseas, mainly in Paris, she moved back to Aotearoa in late 2020 with her French husband and children and settled on the North Shore.
Her latest book Polaroid Nights won the inaugural NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize and was longlisted for the Ngaio Marsh Awards 2022. Her memoir Xamnesia, and Triumph:Collected Stories were international Amazon bestsellers.
Lizzie co-founded the First Pages Prize, an international award to support emerging un-agented writers.
The PumpHouse Theatre’s Creative Talks series aims to bring the community together with creatives to discover more about their process and what inspires them. Each event explores what goes on behind the scenes to create their unique art. There is something for everyone with an interest in the arts and what inspires and drives creativity.
The event is free with tea and coffee provided.