Dates and times
Sunday 9 August 2020
7pm start
The Coal Bunker Studio at The PumpHouse Theatre
Free Event
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No Fees
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Mark Wallbank has been a mad researcher of everything Paranormal, Extraterrestrial and Crypto-zoological, since early childhood.
His research has led him all over New Zealand as well as exploring and investigating internationally clocking up close to 40 odd years of out-in-the-field experience.
He has written three books on the paranormal subject, plus many articles and reviews for numerous print and online magazines through the years.
He is a loyal, decade long member of the somewhat prestigious Ghost Club; founded in 1862 in the UK and recognised as the world’s oldest organisation associated with psychical research, The Society for Psychical Research (SPR), as well as the ASSAP – The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena; a UK-based education and research charity.
Whilst not a ”believer”, more an open minded agnostic who has experienced enough in to realise that there is definitely something to all this, and research is very much worthy and valid, Mark is proud and privileged to lead one of New Zealand’s most recognised and active paranormal research and investigation groups: Haunted Auckland.
About Creative Talks
Stories are at the heart of creativity. The PumpHouse Theatre’s series of Creative Talks is an informal early-evening event where local artists and creatives share their stories and ideas with our community whether they have a lifelong passion or are new to the arts.
This programme of free Creative Talks spotlights a wide range of the arts, giving audiences a behind the scenes insight into the world of the creative process.
From multicultural arts to theatrical performance, by way of actors, authors, poets and playwrights, there is something for everyone with an interest in the arts and what inspires and drives creativity.
Creative Talks are held monthly at The PumpHouse Theatre and entry is free.