Covid-19 – What we are doing about it at The PumpHouse Theatre
LAST UPDATED: Wednesday 3 June 2020 9:30 am
Latest News
Following Government guidance The PumpHouse is reopen at Level 2 with Health and Safety requirements in place. Watch our video to see how we are keeping things safe for your visit to The PumpHouse Theatre.
Follow our online creative endeavours
Perform at The PumpHouse
We have spaces in the calendar up until October. If you’d like to discuss options for performing at The PumpHouse please email James Bell on or phone 021 637 687
Status of upcoming shows & events at The PumpHouse Theatre:
- Shakespeare’s Will – Cancelled
- Black Grace – Verses – Cancelled
- Greedy Cat (Education and Public Seasons) – Cancelled
- Creative Talk with Tanya M. Wheeler – Cancelled
- Creative Talk with Roman Rudnytsky – Cancelled
- Shirley Valentine – Postponed to May 2021
- Creative Talk with Anne Rimmer – To Be Confirmed – please RSVP
- The Magic Faraway Tree – Cancelled
Staying Safe
What we are doing for you:
- We are disinfecting the entire theatre and all surfaces, including Front of House, backstage, theatre seats and seat arms, all in addition to our regular cleaning cycles after each performance
- We are reminding our staff and hirers (including performers and backstage crew) about safe and hygienic event practices.
What we expect and hope for from you:
- If you are feeling unwell, please return home and follow the Ministry of Health guidelines.
- If you have been overseas OR in contact with anyone who has been overseas in the last 14 days, please return home.
- Please practise social distancing and abandon traditional hand, hugging and kissing greetings.
- Please take note of the Ministry of Health Covid-19 prevention reminder posters throughout The PumpHouse Theatre.
- We will be checking that each person entering our theatre is well and of good health. Please don’t be offended if we ask you to leave.
- To avoid any unnecessary contact, we will be going cashless at the box office, so please ensure you book tickets online or have your Eftpos card ready to go.
If you are concerned or have questions please don’t hesitate to email us at
Ngā mihi nui.

Wash your hands as vigorously as Lady Macbeth