Happy Birthday Roger Hall!
Tadpole Theatre Productions are celebrating Roger Hall turning 80 this year by staging his classic comedy.
Middle Age Spread will be showing for a limited season at The PumpHouse Theatre in Takapuna from the 9th – 19th May.

Tadpole Productions invite you to transport yourself back to New Zealand in the late 1970s– big hair, bell bottom trousers, carless days – and cheese fondue the dish du jour….. Roger Hall took the foibles of the era and created his classic comedy Middle Age Spread, exposing the insecurities of three couples who meet for a dinner party none of them really want to attend. As the evening progresses and the mid-life crises are exposed, it is either a journey down memory lane, or an entertaining history lesson for the social media set of 2019. And the same personal stories of thwarted ambition and broken hearts could just as easily be unfolding on Facebook, or on any suburban street today.
Directors Janice Finn and Louise Wallace have assembled a talented cast who bring you into their lives and present a mirror to the audience, showcasing the reality of friends and marriages we all know, an examination of the clash between the marriage institution and human frailty. The questions raised about respect, loyalty and commitment are still very relevant – a comedy with a quiet psycho-drama sub-plot that rattles emotions and principles.
The roles of the six reluctant guests are played by Anna Baird, Lisa Chappell, Barry de Lore, Scott Harding, Jane Hawkins and Benjamin Murray.
Return to the ‘good old days’ for a night of hilarity, nostalgia – and a few home truths!
For more information click here or cool the PumpHouse on (09) 489-8360.