We’re Getting a Courtyard Canopy!

Artist impression of what the canopy will look like
We are excited that we will soon have a canopy over the courtyard at The PumpHouse Theatre!
For a long time, patrons to the PumpHouse have had to battle all sorts of weather conditions as they make a mad dash over to our toilets. The canopy will provide much-needed protection for wet and windy days, harmful sun rays, plus the odd hail storm! It will also ensure we have somewhere sheltered for children to eat their lunch after a show, and a space to host gala functions which overlooks the beautiful Lake Pupuke.
We have partnered with Shade Systems to design and build the canopy, along with Dave Pearson Architects who have ensured the design compliments the existing building’s heritage architecture.

Artist impression of what the canopy will look like
We have the support of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Auckland Council and Heritage New Zealand, but we still need a bit of help.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Becroft Foundation, we have already funded approximately $12,000 for Heritage Impact assessments, Heritage Architects, and resources consents.
To complete the construction phase our goal is to raise a modest $60,000 to complete construction and associated improvements to landscaping and lighting. Get in touch if you’d like to donate! ?
Find out more about our Courtyard Canopy Project